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6 Habits to Avoid Getting Sick This Year

Justice for My Jewel

Getting sick is the worst at the top of the year when you’re surrounded by runny noses and coughing bypassers. Everyday we encounter other people who are sick whether we are out and about running errands at the store or at work. If you work remotely and aren’t in contact with anyone you are touching the same surfaces as people who are sick. Think back when you punched in your pin at the drive-up ATM or grabbed the gas nozzle to fill up your tank. According to the CDC, getting sick can happen when you touch a surface with respiratory viruses on it. Did you touch any of these surfaces and without thinking twice touch your face or your belongings? Presumably, the times when you got sick could have been prevented with these 6 daily habits.

Get some vitamin D in your system on a daily basis.

Naturally we get vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D is made from cholesterol in the skin when we expose ourselves to sunlight. Healthline reveals that 40 percent of American adults have a vitamin D deficiency. Find a reason to go outside, even if it’s just a walk, get some vitamin D in your system. 400 IUs of vitamin D is suggested daily to prevent respiratory infections. In addition to getting some sun, you can also load up on vitamin D with these foods:

  • Red meat

  • Spinach and Kale

  • Fatty fish

  • Egg yolks

  • Fortified foods such fatty spreads and breakfast cereals

Keep even clean hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.

Touching your face is a no no, even with clean hands. Getting in the habit of not touching your face at all is difficult but necessary. Viruses that cause colds and more seriously, COVID-19 can live on your hands and promote sickness. Wash your hands often in public and at home for at least 20 seconds with antibacterial soap and water. If you don’t have soap use an alcohol based hand sanitizer, but still avoid touching your face.

Wear a face mask.

Protect yourself and others by wearing a face mask. These deadly viruses are spread from person to person when they sneeze or cough in the air. Those microscopic respiratory droplets in the air can infect anyone passing through that area. Create a barrier between yourself and airborne germs by wearing a face mask in public.

Get adequate rest.

The times where you got sick didn’t know why most likely had something to do with lack of sleep. People who get less than 7 hours of sleep aren’t giving their body the chance to recuperate and recharge. When you opt out of adequate rest, the immune system can weaken. A study shows that people who get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep are less likely to get sick.

Disinfect your phone.

We set our phone down on various surfaces, and we reach for our phone after touching public surfaces. And guess what we do after that? If we aren’t talking via bluetooth or speaker phone, we raise our phones to our faces. Think about if you have set your phone down on a counter, at the gym, or on the sink at a public restroom. All of those encounters have to be taken into account. Disinfect your entire phone every day to avoid coming in contact with germs.

Zinc supplements can go far.

With COVID-19 spikes at an all time high, it’s more common to see people taking Zinc. This mineral helps to fight invading bacteria and viruses in the body. It can stop viruses from living the mucus membranes of the nose and throat. Zinc is also known to slow the growth of the virus and shorten the life of the symptoms that follow.

Featured photo by Shutterstock



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